David W. Downing Derek Suszko Christopher T. Wolff Marina Wolff
Chairman Secretary Chief Whip Chancellor
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Location: Burger Moe’s
“He had bought a large map representing the sea, without the least vestige of land: and the crew were much pleased when they found it to be a map they could all understand". - Lewis Carroll
“MY COUNTRY” by blood or birth? Between two hawks which flies the higher pitch? The world’s jurisprudence has settled on these two as the possible standards for the hallowed name of citizen. America has taken the fool’s side of the matter and enshrined citizenship to all who happen to find themselves on her vast soil gulping their first fill of common air. The Rio Grande is a veritable Styx that cuts the bottom of the hemisphere from the Elysian fields of AFDC, TANF, LIHTC and all manner of alphabetical bliss. The soil doesn’t make the man, but the man the soil. Have we not taken too little care of this?
What is the Gordian knot that binds the citizens of one nation together? Surely it is not the longitudes and latitudes of one’s birth! Birthright citizenship served its purpose to facilitate the integration of emancipated slaves into American society. That task long done, what point can there be in keeping such a destructive provision alive to harm patriots of blood? American citizenship is a duty and a privilege and shouldn’t come from a successful game of hide and seek. The Founders were wise to have nothing to do with it and the crafters of the jack of all trades 14th Amendment never dreamed that it would be abused by parents birthing “anchor babies” seeking an indefinite stay and a free handout courtesy of the American taxpayer. Birthright citizenship is not just defective political philosophy, it’s a perverse incentive for all the greedy, irresponsible parents of the world. The epidemic of “birth tourism” threatens the sanctity of a country bound by the patriotic reverence of “true” citizens. It’s long past time that birthright citizenship be expunged from our Constitution, or we’ll have to say adieu to the American “nation” and hello to “American Welfare Corp.”
ON THE OTHER HAND: the genius of America is opportunity. The citizenship status of parents is no gauge of fidelity to America. How many citizens of long-standing American lineages work tirelessly to sabotage the great American experiment of liberty? America assimilates better than any other nation on earth and is a beacon of freedom for the world. Shouldn’t we be flattered that so many wish to come here for their children even if we can’t condone it? Enforce the border strongly and the problem of “anchor babies” disappears. That leaves birthright citizenship for those here legitimately, contributing to our economy and culture, who wish to give their children the head start they never had. America became great because it deplored the thick-headed snobbery of “closed” nations. Don’t we want to snatch enterprising foreign nationals from potential adversaries and competitors? What better way than to allow them to root their posterity on the American earth.
The CHAIRMAN, battering his brain about the matter in the sanguinity of his unassailable jus sanguinis status, has summoned a debate to resolve the question.
RESOLVED: It’s Time to Terminate Birthright Citizenship
The Debate will be held on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, at Burger Moe’s(back room), 242 7th St. W., St. Paul, MN 55102. The Chancellor will preside over drinks beginning at seven o’clock p.m. The debate will begin at half past seven. There is no dress code, however gentlemen who wish to speak must wear a tie; ladies are encouraged to adhere to a similar sartorial standard. For those gentlemen arriving sans tie yet wishing to discourse on the resolution, the Purveyor of Ties will keep on hand several remarkable selections. In addition, the Chairman encourages all to join him as early as 6:30 pm for a bite to eat. Let us thank our host location for the use of their room in the most sincere way possible – by spending our money. God Bless Free Enterprise! Questions regarding debate caucus procedures or about the John Adams Society itself may be directed to the Chairman at (651) 485-1699 or the Secretary at (651) 263-6224.