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The John Adams Society

Theodore O. Olsen


Christopher T. Wolff


G. Larry Colson Jr.

Chief Whip

Katey Haflund


MAY 2016

"America doesn’t have and shouldn’t want to have the responsibility to solve everyone else’s problems."

--Ian Bremmer


PEOPLE WANT TO PRESERVE that which is close to them, the things which made them and helped them become successful.   Why should people want to help others whom they don't even know or share the same values with, at the expense of themselves?  Other people may not even share the same morals.   People have to know how to make deals to protect themselves financially and physically.  Americans must be patriotic. They are tired of 7 1/2 years of apology tours for everything America has stood for and achieved since its inception over 200 years ago.  

The overall ideological complexion of the world, as determined by other states, need not affect people's values and habits here at home. Libertarians point to how economically liberal and successful city-states like Hong Kong or Singapore are.  The United States should withdraw from most geopolitical endeavors, and instead invest heavily in domestic infrastructure and services, scale back its engagement in international crises, and intervene exclusively when American interests are significantly served. 

ON THE OTHER HAND, since the French Revolution promised the ideals of  “liberte, egalite, and fraternite”, the world has been progressing towards the universal homogeneous state otherwise known as (classical) liberal democracy.  After WWI, Fascism and Soviet Communism proposed themselves as alternative competing modernities.  But neither could prevail against liberal democracy, whether on the battlefield or in the marketplace.  It would be hard to imagine what things would have been like after WWII if America had not intervened and one totalitarian juggernaut had prevailed.  However, the true victory of classical liberalism has occurred primarily in the realm of ideas of consciousness, and is yet incomplete in the material world.  America's mission is to accomplish it, creating a world order through international trade agreements, promotion of human rights, and if necessary, war, whether in Moscow, Berlin or Baghdad. 

THE CHAIRMAN, who wears with pride his new pair of American Flag Boxer Briefs, has called a debate to settle the question: 

RESOLVED:  America First!

The Debate will be held on May 18, 2016, at the University Club, 420 Summit Avenue, in Saint Paul. The Chancellor will preside over drinks beginning at seven o’clock p.m. The debate will begin at half past seven. There is no dress code, however gentlemen who wish to speak must wear a tie; ladies are encourage to adhere to a similar sartorial standard. For those gentlemen arriving sans tie yet wishing to discourse on the resolution, the Purveyor of Ties will keep on hand several remarkable selections. Questions regarding debate caucus procedures of about the John Adams Society itself may be directed to the Chairman at (651) 269-1890 or the Secretary at (651) 494-9008.